PSHE and RSE Policy

Updated: 15/04/2024 370 KB


At The Meadows, our planned curriculum programme of learning opportunities and experiences, specifically promotes children’s personal, social and health development and helps them to grow as individuals and as members of families and communities. PSHE equips children and young people with knowledge and practical skills to live healthy, safe, fulfilled, and responsible lives, both now and in the future. Through the explicit teaching of mental and emotional health, we promote pupils’ wellbeing through an understanding of their own and others’ emotions and the development of healthy coping strategies. It also contributes to safeguarding, providing pupils with knowledge, understanding and strategies to keep themselves healthy and safe, as well as equipping them to support others who are facing challenges. 

PSHE also enables them to reflect on and clarify both their own and British values and attitudes and explore the complex and sometimes conflicting range of attitudes and values they encounter now and in the future. 

Characteristics of a child growing up as a successful citizen in modern Britain. 

  • Be able to demonstrate that they recognise their own worth and that of others and identify positive ways to face new challenges. 
  • The ability to express their views confidently and listen to and show respect for the views of others. 
  • The ability to make choices about how to develop healthy lifestyles. 
  • The ability to identify some factors that affect emotional health and well-being. 
  • Ability to identify different types of relationships and show ways to maintain good relationships. 
  • Research, discuss and debate topical issues, problems, and events. 
  • Understand why and how rules are made and enforced, why different rules are needed in different situations and take part in making and changing rules. 
  • Demonstrate respect and tolerance towards others, and resolve differences by looking at alternatives, making decisions and explaining choices. 
  • Shown an appreciation of the diversity of religious, and ethnic identities in the United Kingdom and describe some of the different beliefs and values in society. 
  • Be able to articulate the meaning of the British Values and how these support harmony within their own and wider communities. 

Our pupils should be able to organise their knowledge, skills and understanding around the following learning hooks: 

  • Caring friendships 
  • Families and people who care for me. 
  • Respectful relationships 
  • Being Safe 
  • Mental wellbeing 
  • Internet Safety and online harm 
  • Online relationships 
  • Physical health and fitness 
  • Healthy eating 
  • Drugs, alcohol and tobacco 
  • Health and prevention 
  • Basic First aid 
  • Changing bodies 
  • Being a good citizen 

These key concepts or as we like to explain them to children – learning hooks, underpin learning in each milestone. This enables pupils to reinforce and build upon prior learning, make connections, and develop subject specific language. 

Substantive knowledge in PSHE is threaded throughout each strand – the substantive knowledge for each strand is progressive. Disciplinary knowledge in PSHE are the social and emotional skills acquired, and the interpretation of themselves and how to support themselves and others through changes. 

Progression in EYFS 

Term/ Theme  Texts  Children In Nursery  Children in Reception Activities  Vocabulary 

Autumn 1 – All About Me 

Chris Quigley 

Becoming Me – Character virtues 

Becoming a friend - Self image 


The Colour Monster 

Ruby’s Worry 

Select and use activities and resources, with help when needed. This helps them to achieve a goal they have chosen, or one which is suggested to them. 

Develop their sense of responsibility and membership of a community 

Talk about their feelings using words like ‘happy’, ‘sad’, ‘angry’ or ‘worried’.

See themselves as a valuable individual. 

Build constructive and respectful relationships. 

Starting School  

Establish rules and routines  



Secrets of Success 

Feedback Friday 

Displays reflect diversity 


Small World 

Role Play 

Link with Science – Our bodies. 









Autumn 2 – Celebrations 

Chris Quigley –Becoming Me 

Becoming a citizen 



Laura’s Star 

Become more outgoing with unfamiliar people, in the safe context of their setting. 

Show more confidence in new social situations. 

Become more outgoing with unfamiliar people, in the safe context of their setting. 

Show more confidence in new social situations. 

Embed rules and routines 




Secrets of Success 

Feedback Friday 

Displays reflect diversity 


Small World 

Role Play 

Celebrations link with RE and History




Spring 1 – Be healthy and Safe 

Chris Quigley –Becoming Me 

New Year 

Luna New Year 

Handa’s Surprise/ Oliver’s Vegetable – (healthy food) 

Be increasingly independent in meeting their own care needs, e.g. brushing teeth, using the toilet, washing and drying their hands thoroughly. 

Make healthy choices about food, drink, activity and toothbrushing. 

Manage their own needs. 
Personal hygiene 

Know and talk about the different factors that support their overall health and wellbeing: 

regular physical activity 

healthy eating 


sensible amounts of ‘screen time’ 

having a good sleep routine 

being a safe pedestrian 

Embed rules and routines  




Secrets of Success 

Feedback Friday 

Displays reflect diversity 


Small World 

Role Play 

Dental visit 

Link with science 





Spring 2 – Growth and Change  The very Hungry Caterpillar

Play with one or more other children, extending and elaborating play ideas. 

Find solutions to conflicts and rivalries. For example, accepting that not everyone can be Spider-Man in the game, and suggesting other ideas. 

Show resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge. 

Identify and  

moderate their own feelings socially and emotionally. 

Think about the perspectives of others 

Sustain rules and routines  




Secrets of Success 

Feedback Friday 

Displays reflect diversity 


Small World 

Role Play 

Growing Caterpillars link with science 





Take care of environment 

Summer 1 – The Wider World 

Bear Hunt 

How to catch a Star 

Increasingly follow rules, understanding why they are important. 


Show an understanding of their own feelings and those of others and begin to regulate their behaviour accordingly. Set and work towards simple goals, being able to wait for what they want and control their immediate impulses when appropriate. Give focused attention to what the teacher says, responding appropriately even when engaged in activity, and show an ability to follow instructions involving several ideas or actions. 

Managing Self 

Be confident to try new activities and show independence, resilience and perseverance 
in the face of challenge. Explain the reasons for rules, know right from wrong and try to behave accordingly. Manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs, including dressing, going to the toilet and understanding the importance of healthy food choices. 

Building Relationships 

Work and play cooperatively and take turns with others. Form positive attachments to adults and friendships with peers. Show sensitivity to their own and to others’ needs. 

Sustain rules and routines  




Secrets of Success 

Feedback Friday 

Displays reflect diversity 


Small World –  

Role Play 

Link with science and geography 




Summer 2 – Moving on 

Rainbow Fish 

Snail and the Whale 

Rainbow Fish 

Snail and the Whale 

Sustain rules and routines  




Secrets of Success 

Feedback Friday 

Displays reflect diversity 


Small World – Recycling plant 


Role Play 

Link with science – plastic in the Ocean 

Link with science and geography 





The vertical accumulation of knowledge and skills from Years 1 to 6 is mapped as follows: 

Class 2 - Odd Class 2 - Even Assembly - Odd

Be Yourself (Year 1)  

Britain (Year 1)  

Aiming High (Year 1)  

It's My Body (Year 1)  

TEAM (Year 1)  

VIPs (Year 2)  

Think Positive (Year 2)  

Growing Up (Year 2)  

Respecting Rights (Year 2)  

One World  (Year 2)  

Safety First (Year 2)  


Think Positive   

Internet Legends  


Growing Up   

Respecting Rights   

Internet Legends  

One World    

Safety First   

Internet Legends  

Class 3 - Odd Class 3 - Even    

Be Yourself (Year 3)  

Britain (Year 3)  

Aiming High (Year 3)  

It's My Body (Year 3)  

TEAM (Year 3)  

VIPs (Year 4)  

Think Positive (Year 4)  

Growing Up (Year 4)  

Respecting Rights (Year 4)  

One World  (Year 4)  

Safety First (Year 4)  


Summer Term: TEAM (YEAR 3)


Think Positive   

Internet Legends  

Growing Up   

Respecting Rights   

Internet Legends  

One World    

Safety First   

Internet Legends

Class 4 - Odd Class 4 - Even  

Be Yourself (Year 5)  

Britain (Year 5)  

Aiming High (Year 5)  

It's My Body (Year 5)  

TEAM (Year 5)  

Moving to High School (Y6 only)  

Be Yourself (Year 5)  

Britain (Year 5)  

Aiming High (Year 5)  

It's My Body (Year 5)  

TEAM (Year 5)  

Moving to High School (Y6 only)  

Be Yourself (Year 5)  

Britain (Year 5)  

Aiming High (Year 5)  

It's My Body (Year 5)  

TEAM (Year 5)  

Moving to High School (Y6 only)  

Key Concept 

Learning Hook 

Disciplinary knowledge 

Substantive knowledge 

Milestone 1 

Years 1/2 

Substantive knowledge 

Milestone 2 


Substantive knowledge 

Milestone 3 


Caring friendships 

Families and people who care for me 

Respectful Relationships


This unit explores the Very Important Persons (VIPs) in the children’s lives and the ways in which they can develop positive relationships with them. It enables them to identify what makes someone a special person in their life and who these are. They are also encouraged to explore why families and friendships are important and understand that although these units are different for everyone, there are things they can do to resolve differences and build healthy and positive relationships within them. This unit also teaches the children the importance of cooperation and how to show the special people in their lives that they care and the positive impact of doing this. 


This unit, entitled VIPs (Very Important Persons), will focus on relationships we have with our VIPs. It will look at friendships, how friendships are formed and maintained, and the qualities of a good friend. The lessons will then move on to disputes and bullying and will address strategies for coping with each of these. 


This unit entitled VIPs (Very Important Persons) will focus on relationships. Children will identify who their VIPs are within their families and friendship groups and how important kindness and respect are within these relationships. The unit addresses conflicts and resolutions in relationships. The children will also look at the secrets and dares as well as healthy and unhealthy relationships. 

Caring friendships 

Being a Good Citizen 

TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More 

 This unit is inspired by the idea that if a team works well together, it has a positive impact on all of its members and what they can achieve. It aims to enable the children to develop successful collaborative working skills, such as good listening. In this unit, children learn about the importance of being kind to others, the effects of bullying and teasing and what to do about it if they see it happening, or it happens to them. They will also think about effective learning skills and how to identify good and not-so-good choices. 

TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More 

This unit is inspired by the idea that if a class team works well together, it has a positive impact on all of its members and what they can achieve. It aims to enable the children to identify the impact their actions have on the team they are working in. In this unit, children learn about successful teamwork skills, being considerate of others in the team and how to positively resolve any conflicts that occur. They will also learn about their individual responsibilities towards teams they work in

TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More 

This unit is inspired by the idea that if a class team works well together, it has a positive impact on all of its members and what they can achieve. It aims to enable the children to identify the impact their actions have on the team they are working in. In this unit, children learn about successful teamwork skills, being considerate of others in the team and how to positively resolve any conflicts that occur. They will also learn about their individual responsibilities towards teams they work in

Being Safe 

Safety First 

In this unit of work, children will learn about everyday dangers, in the home and outside and how they can keep themselves safe. Children will also learn about the Internet and how to stay safe online. They will be taught about the Underwear Rule, which includes information about appropriate and inappropriate touching and knowing that what is inside their underwear is private. Children will also learn about people who help them and how to get help when needed, as well as their growing responsibility for their own safety. 

Safety First 

In this unit of work, children will consider what it means to take responsibility for their own safety. This will include the decisions they make and how they can stand up to peer pressure in a range of situations. They will learn about everyday risks, hazards and dangers and what to do in risky or dangerous situations. They will also learn about road safety and dangerous substances; drugs (including medicines), cigarettes and alcohol. Children will look at e-Safety, considering what should never be shared and how to report any concerns about online incidents. 

Safety First 

In this unit of work, children will consider what it means to take 

responsibility for their own safety, including the decisions they make 

and how they can stand up to peer pressure in a range of situations. 

They will assess the risk associated with different situations and 

learn about what to do if they feel in danger. They will also learn 

about how to identify an emergency, what to do in this situation and 

how to get help when needed. Children will look at e-Safety in detail, 

including social media, considering what should never be shared and 

how to report any concerns with incidents online. 

Mental wellbeing 

Think Positive 

This unit is designed to help children recognise, talk about and accept their feelings, both positive and negative, as well as how to manage certain emotions. The lessons support them in thinking positively and calmly, making good decisions and developing resilience. 

Be Yourself 

This unit is inspired by the idea that having confidence to ‘be yourself’ can have a positive impact on mental health and emotional wellbeing. It aims to enable children to recognise their positive qualities and appreciate their individuality. In this unit, children are encouraged to recognise different emotions and explore different strategies to help them manage any uncomfortable feelings they experience. They will learn about how big life changes impact on feelings and emotions and explore the importance of sharing their thoughts and feelings. 

Aiming High 

In this unit of work, children will learn about having high aspirations. They will start by discussing positive views of themselves and will then identify how having a positive learning attitude can help them tackle and achieve new learning challenges and improve learning outcomes. Opportunities will also be provided for children to share aspirations for the future, with regard to employment and personal goals. Through this learning, different jobs and roles will be considered. In doing this, some of the difficulties faced by stereotyping will be explored. 

Think Positive 

This unit is designed to build on what the children have already learnt about feelings, both positive and negative and how our attitude towards life can affect our mental health. The lessons centre on themes such as thinking positively and calmly, managing difficult emotions, taking responsibility for decisions and developing a growth mindset approach to learning. 

Be Yourself 

This unit is inspired by the idea that it is important to have confidence to be yourself. It aims to enable children to identify their strengths and achievements as well as help them to recognise different emotions they experience. In this unit, children will also explore how to express their thoughts and feelings respectfully and how to be assertive when in uncomfortable situations. The children will also have an opportunity to explore the influence of the media in how we view ourselves and analyse the reality of these messages. The unit ends with the children exploring how to make things right when we make mistakes and the importance of learning from these. 

Aiming High 

In this unit of work, children will focus on goals and aspirations. They will start by discussing achievements they have accomplished so far and the type of attitude that helps us succeed. They will identify ways of applying a growth mindset to new challenges and learn about the importance of resilience. Opportunities will also be provided for the children to share aspirations for the future with regard to employment and personal goals and through this learning they will consider different jobs and roles. They will explore some of the difficulties faced by stereotyping.  Children will have the opportunity to think further about the specific skills they might wish to develop in order to achieve their short, mid and long-term goals. 

Think Positive 

This unit is designed to help children further develop their understanding about thoughts and emotions, both positive and negative. The lessons centre around themes such as: the links between our thoughts, feelings and emotions; making good choices; mindfulness and applying a growth mindset approach to life. 

Be Yourself 

This unit is inspired by the idea that we are all individuals and that it is important to ‘be yourself’. It aims to encourage the children to develop a positive view of themselves and enable them to recognise the importance of being proud of their individuality. In this unit, children focus on the importance of recognising situations where they need to make positive choices in order to do the right thing. They also explore how to avoid being led into tricky situations and how to recognise and respond to peer pressure. It will also look at how to be confident and how to manage uncomfortable feelings. The unit ends by helping the children to investigate how to make things right when they make a mistake. 

Aiming High 

In this unit of work, children will focus on achievements, aspirations and opportunities. They will start by discussing achievements they have accomplished so far and the type of attitude that helps us succeed. They will also learn about their own personal preferred learning styles, to understand how they learn best. Children will look at challenges people face and barriers to success, then think about strategies we can use to overcome such obstacles. They will identify opportunities that are available to them now and those which may be available to them in the future. Stereotypes in the world of work will be addressed, as children are encouraged to consider jobs they would like to do and the skills needed to do those jobs. The children will also have the opportunity to reflect on their personal goals and the steps they can take to achieve these in the future. 

 Moving to High School 

Pupils will learn about the feelings and common anxieties pupils face when starting key stage 3 and moving to secondary school. They will also explore ways of managing these feelings. 

Internet safety and harms 

Online relationships 

Safety First 

Computing Curriculum 

Safety First 

Computing Curriculum 

Internet Legends 

Safety First 

Computing Curriculum 

Internet Legends 

Tween Safe 

These sessions will be delivered by an external agency and will provide children with support about how to be safe online. They will explore how to protect themselves from harm online, including how to protect their information. 

Physical health and fitness 

t’s My Body 

This unit explores choices that children can make looking after their bodies. The lessons look at key areas where they can make safer choices: their bodies, sleep and exercise, diet, cleanliness and substances. 

It’s My Body 

This unit explores choices that children can make looking after their bodies. The lessons look at key areas where they can make safer choices: their bodies, sleep and exercise, diet, cleanliness and substances.

It’s My Body 

In this unit of work, children will learn about how to take care of their bodies. This will involve learning about consent and autonomy, learning about body image and stereotypes and learning about substances, which are harmful to our bodies. Children will also learn about the importance of sleep and keeping clean, especially as their bodies change during puberty. Lessons will explore the things that influence the way people think about their bodies, where different pressures can come from and how these pressures can be resisted. Throughout the unit, children will be encouraged to consider the choices they have and learn about the support that is available to them 

Healthy eating  It’s My Body It’s My Body It’s My Body
Drugs, alcohol and tobacco  It’s My Body

It’s My Body 

Safety First 

It’s My Body
Health and prevention 

It’s My Body 

Safety First 

It’s My Body  It’s My Body 
Basic first aid Safety First  Safety First 

Safety First 

First Aid Workshop 

Changing bodies

Growing Up 

This topic is an introduction to how we grow and change, both physically and emotionally. Children will learn about their own and others’ bodies, looking at similarities and differences in people and learning about gender stereotypes. They will also learn about respecting their own and others’ bodies, keeping their bodies safe and sharing their feelings in response to life experiences. 

Growing Up 

This topic builds on children’s knowledge of the human body; how we grow and change, both physically and emotionally. Children will learn about their own and others’ bodies and how male and female bodies are different. They will also learn about different relationships and family structures. 

Growing Up 

This topic builds on children’s knowledge of the human body; how we grow and change, both physically and emotionally. Children will learn about their own and others’ bodies and how male and female bodies are different. They will also learn about different relationships and family structures. 

Being a good citizen 


This unit is inspired by the idea that individuals can have a positive impact on groups and communities to which they belong. It aims to enable the children to identify that they belong to various groups and communities and ways in which they contribute positively to these. In this unit, children learn about community, being good neighbours and looking after the environment. They will also learn about Britain, what it means to be British, about diversity and the importance of celebrating and being respectful of our differences. 

One World 

This unit is inspired by the idea that individuals can have a positive impact on groups and communities to which they belong. It aims to enable the children to identify that they belong to various groups and communities and ways in which they contribute positively to these. In this unit, children learn about community, being good neighbours and looking after the environment. They will also learn about Britain, what it means to be British, about diversity and the importance of celebrating and being respectful of our differences. 

Respecting Rights 

This unit is based on the concept that we should all be rights respecting citizens in our communities. It is inspired by the fact that all people have rights that are shared and that it is important for us all to respect these rights. It aims to enable the children to explore the concepts of difference and fairness and encourages them to reflect on how we should behave towards those who are different from us and why it is important to be fair. In this unit, children also learn about who helps us to protect our rights and what we can do if we don’t feel safe. They will also reflect on how they can take part in the school community and why it is good to do what we can to make a positive difference. 

Aiming High 


This unit is inspired by the idea that we live in a diverse, multicultural and democratic society and that this is important and brings many benefits. It aims to enable the children to identify that they should be respectful of difference. In this unit, children learn about British people, rules, the law, liberty and what living in a democracy means. They also learn about the importance of being tolerant of differences within their society. 

One World 

This unit is based on a case study of a fictional girl called Chiwa, who lives in Malawi. The children will explore different aspects of her life in each lesson. It is inspired by the idea that people’s life experiences and opportunities differ throughout the world and that our actions can have both positive and harmful effects on people living in different countries. It aims to enable the children to explore the concepts of inequality and stereotypes and encourages them to reflect on what they can do to help make the world a fairer place. In this unit, children also learn about climate change and its effects, fair trading practices and organisations, which help people like Chiwa. They will also learn about how to be a good global citizen 

Respecting Rights 

This unit is based on the concept that living as rights-respecting citizens is important. It is inspired by human rights being shared by all people – no matter who they are or where they are from – and that these rights are there to protect all people, enabling them to live happy, safe, healthy and fulfilling lives. This unit helps children to understand that no one should take away their rights. It also helps children to explore the ideas of equality and discrimination and the consequences of both. In this unit, children learn about how they can make choices and take actions that respect the rights of others and challenge stereotypes. They will also learn about rules – why we have them and how they help us. 

Aiming High 


This unit is inspired by the idea that Britain represents a wide range of faiths and ethnicities and that the structures within it are there to support all. It aims to enable the children to identify how they can make a positive contribution to the community. In this unit, children learn about the law and the consequences of not respecting it. They will also learn about the workings of local and national government and the role of charities and voluntary groups in British society. 

One World 

This unit is based upon the concept that we all have a responsibility to live as global citizens. It is inspired by the idea that we all have a responsibility to help the environment and all living things throughout the world through the choices we make. It aims to enable children to explore the ideas of sustainability, the use of the earth’s natural resources and the harmful effects of global warming. Children also learn about the steps they can take to reduce the harmful effects. They will also learn about the importance of biodiversity and its importance and explore what they would do to make the world a better place. 

Respecting Rights 

This unit is based on the concept that we can all make choices to live as rights-respecting citizens. It is inspired by human rights being shared by all people – no matter who they are or where they are from – and that these rights are there to protect all people, enabling them to live happy, safe and healthy lives. This unit helps children to understand that no one can take away their rights. It also aims to help the children to explore the ideas of equality and discrimination and the consequences of both. In this unit, children learn about how they can make choices and take actions, which respect the rights of others. They will also learn about human rights activists and how they work to make the world a better place. 

Aiming High 

PSHE and Citizenship Vocabulary Progression 

Aspirations For The Future 

Pupils develop an understanding of how subjects and specific skills are linked to future jobs. 

Here are some of the jobs you could aspire to do in the future: 

Guide Dog Trainer 

Rehoming Assistant 

Kit Manager 

Attractions Manager 

For more careers, please visit First Careers. 



Through the explicit teaching of the PSHE skills, both the teachers and the pupils assess their learning continuously throughout the lesson. Our assessment systems enable teachers to make informed judgements about the depth of their learning and the progress they have made over time.    

Pupil Voice 
Christi - We learn to respect different people and their different forms of families. Some people have step brothers, step parents, divorced parents and parents who are both the same gender.  

Tom - We have learnt about respecting diversity in the UK and their religions.  

Annabelle - In PSHE, we use learning hooks from other subjects as we need to apply knowledge from other lessons, for example knowledge and skills as a reader or an artist. Applying knowledge from our RE learning hooks is very important so we can understand and respect different religions. 


Here is what PSHE looks like at The Meadows: